Sunday, January 29, 2006

happy together

Children are easy to make friends with each other and with animals... my Mom's dog Selena, my niece Hannah, and her cousin Jia-chi.

Chinese New Year

My Mom, Leo's family, and two dogs in my home, on Chinese Lunar New Year
Where am I? I'm the one who toke the picture.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

不可能的任務—與以色列一同站立100小時 *財務部分*



宣道會內湖堂 台幣1000元,美金200元
西湖浸宣 台幣1000元,台幣25000元,美金100元
內湖行道會 台幣1000元
信義會思恩堂 美金550元
讚美之家 台幣1000元


瞧,神的供應多麼信實! 也感謝內湖這些教會肢體用行動與我們同工,使我們得以帶著眾教會的支持和眾牧者的差遣,完成這項不可能的任務!

Friday, January 06, 2006

in the history of God from Jarusalem

Jan 4, Wed. We were here in Jerusalem for 50 hours non-stop worship and prayer. At that time Ariel Sharon the prime minister of Israel was stroke.

I went to Jesusalem for worship and prayer is because on David Demian invited us to stand with Israel especially on a critical timing. He said that on Oct., during a convocation held by Jerusalem House Of Prayer For All Nations.
After the convocation, I spent two months as a Nazirite to remind myself be alerned about the need in Israel. Then I knew the 100 hours worship and prayer (Harp and Bowl) action and I joined it. That's why I'm here right now in Jerusalem.

Last night after the 50 hours worship and prayer our team members walked to the wailing wall. That's the first time I went to the old city at night. The city still looks beautiful and peaceful. But we all knows Israel will not be the same. That's unforgetable experience to be in Jerusalem wailing wall on Jan. 5, such a crutial timing.