Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Good News, Good TV

How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts! (Ps. 84:1)
God gave me Psalm 84 before my second visit to Israel in Dec. 2005. On my third and most recent visit while staying at the Or HaCarmel (Light of Carmel) Ministry Center, I experienced the blessing promised in this psalm even more, and learned a Hebrew worship song “Ma Yedidot” which is based on this verse.
I served more than three weeks as a volunteer at Or HaCarmel and knowing I would have to leave again, I actually started to miss Mt. Carmel while I was still there! Or HaCarmel is an international ministry center with three buildings, including a pastor’s apartment, women’s refuge, internship program and accommodations for volunteers. There are two prayer rooms where I was often drawn to spend time alone with God. It was not really a problem that I did not know Hebrew and although I was concerned that loneliness might be an obstacle for me, it was not that serious either. God blessed me and I was accepted as one of the team. Over the several weeks I was there, God revealed His guidance to me quickly and marvelously.

Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world.
When I came to Or HaCarmel, I was praying and asking God whether He was guiding me to stay there for a long period of time. I was not sure what to do there since my English is not good enough, and I saw no need for a female pastor. The first sign from God came when I talked to Eliel, who is the sound engineer at Carmel Assembly, the congregation where Or HaCarmel is located. I discovered that they had no video cameras or projectors and when I asked Eliel, he told me about their desire and vision to have a Media Department. One year ago, when I visited Carmel Assembly with several other pastors from Taiwan, one pastor filmed the congregation’s passionate worship. Later, I could still feel their joy and love for the Lord through the DVD. So I told Eliel that I had the burden to produce DVDs like that. The second sign came after we prayed for a parcel of land in front of Or HaCarmel that needs to be purchased. I felt the desire to build a studio for television and audio recording on that piece of land. The worship of Carmel Assembly is full of anointing from the Holy Spirit. They have lots of wonderful worship leaders and some of them have their own CD albums. I thought of a nice studio for CD recording, editing and mixing that belongs to a worship team in Taiwan. If there were such a professional studio on Mt. Carmel they could record and produce live worship CDs easily. The studio could become a good resource for other Messianic worship teams in the Galilee and northern part of Israel.
After that, I felt that I received a lot of guidance from God. I began to deeply appreciate the biblical revelation and inspiration from God that comes to us through the Hebrew language and culture. If a media department were developed, a hidden treasury of teaching could be delivered to Chinese Christians, and could be used to equip lots of young people in China who are preparing to bring the gospel back to Jerusalem. I felt so excited about this vision that I sent an e-mail to Pastor Peter Tsukahira. At that moment, I was thinking there could be a connection with Good TV, a Christian TV station in Taiwan with two channels: one for the Taiwanese public and another one that covers most of Mainland China by satellite.
In the meantime, God did another amazing thing. Before I had the chance to talk to Pastor Peter, I began to record on film a ministry called House of Victory. There, I interviewed a young man named Elia whom I had met about 10 months ago. Elia, also had the burden to create a media department at Or HaCarmel. He was in the process of creating a website in Russian and English. Eliel, Elia and I, all non-professional media persons, in three nights of work made a program to introduce the work of House of Victory. We were encouraged by the result and felt excited about what God was guiding us to do.

What God provided for the church I serve
Before this most recent visit to Israel, the church where I serve was prepared to support me to fulfill God’s will in my life. When I mentioned plans for my two months’ trip in Israel, the deacons and church members showed great faith and willingness to stand with me. Now that I am sure of God’s guidance for me to serve Him on Mt. Carmel, I will pastor the church until the end of 2006. From the beginning of 2007, Pastor Paul Lin who joined our church ministry in August will be the formal pastor. While I was away, God brought new friends to the church where they found salvation. Some family members of others in our congregation got saved also. We know we are entering a season of preparations to move to a larger facility. I believe the Christian and Missionary Alliance Neihu Church will experience God’s beauty and abundance in greater measure during the coming year!

In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided.
The media department ministry at Or HaCarmel began with very few resources. We had no budget, professional equipment, or full-time committed people. We were without a working plan and I had no official working identity to get a visa. Thanks be to God! The first resource I thought of was Good TV and I got the idea from God to apply for a visa as a foreign correspondent for the Taiwanese TV station. God gave me wisdom for a new ministry also. So I completed a proposal before I left Israel and handed it over to Pastor Peter and Mr. Tony Tseng the President of Good TV. One week later, they met in Malaysia and discussed my situation. Ten days after that, I had an appointment at Good TV in Taipei and the following day I got support more than I expected.
Good TV promised to provide equipment, a one month training course for Eliel, Elia and me as well as official employment for me so I can apply for a visa. Donations for my personal support from Taiwan will go to Good TV and get a tax-exempt receipt. Good TV will transfer the funds directly to me. The equipment budget will be about USD $15,000 and my support for a year will be USD $18,000. May God honor the faith of Mr. Tony Tseng and others from Good TV and bless their work.

#Please support me in your prayers:
1. Please pray for my Mom. She is going to live alone with two dogs and some fishes. May she get saved soon and be released from worrying about me. Very possibly she will need to move closer to my eldest brother. Changing locations always makes her nervous.
2. Please pray for Eliel, Elia and my training at Good TV from mid-January until mid-February.
3. Please pray for intercessors to come alongside this work and for God to supply all our material needs.
4. Please pray for my work visa application and the preparation for moving in the midst of such a tight and busy schedule.
5. Please pray for good communication between different countries, churches, companies and ministries.

Thanks for your support!!!
May God be with you always ~

Monday, December 18, 2006

Good News, Good TV


當我來到迦密山教會一兩週後,我持續為著自己是否蒙神帶領久居此地禱告。我不知道自己可以做什麼,因為教會對女傳道的需求不高,自己的英文又不夠好。第一個記號是來自與Eliel聊天,他是會堂的音控同工。當我問起這數百人的會堂裡竟然沒有單槍投影機和攝影機時,他提起建立傳播部門的負擔。我們一年前在此參加聚會時,有位內湖的牧師全程錄影,之後觀看時還能感受到當場敬拜的熱情,所以我也提起自己對這方面的負擔。第二個記號是在我們為著教會要購買前面一大塊空地禱告之後,我向幾位同工提起建立攝影棚和錄音室的感動。他們的聚會敬拜滿有聖靈的恩膏,敬拜主領是Karen Davis,持續製作許多屬於彌賽亞信徒的詩歌CD,另一位敬拜主領Brandon也預備發行第一張詩歌CD,人才濟濟。我想到天韻詩班的韻德錄音室,只要他們也有專業錄音室就可能發行現場敬拜CD,並且也可以成為加利利地區其他彌賽亞信徒敬拜團隊的資源。


好消息電視台提供設備,提供訓練,提供我申請簽證的身份,並且憑信心支付我個人全年所需用各項費用。有感動為我奉獻的人,只要奉獻到Good TV指明為郭淑鳳--以色列事工奉獻,就可以拿到奉獻收據。為著這項事工,光是初期的設備就需要四五十萬,我全年所需費用也超過五十五萬,願神記念好消息電視台的信心,祝福他們的營運狀況。

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Monday, December 04, 2006

where is the real me?

last night I talked in MSN to my friend joseph. he mentioned about depression and his relationship with his mom. we discussed the rejection from our family and realized lots of babies are not welcomed in their family.

Some parents don't want to have one more bady. Some don't want a girl. Some didn't expect to have one at that time. Some from underground affair.

When I told to Joseph, my dad didn't want a girl. He asked me, you have brothers, right? Yes, I have two. So why? Two boys are enough for my dad. a girl? raising someone's wife, what for? That's the meaning of a girl for my dad: spending money, without benefit.

And my mom told my dad, she believed this one would be a girl. She wanted to have a girl. My mom fought for her gender, and my right to live. I thank God for saving me through my mom. But honestly speaking, I think the baby girl died young.

For my dad, a real girl existed only for a short time. Than I was recognized to be a helper, a person contributing to my family. Unless he would treat me like "why don't you just disappear immediately"? For my mom, she didn't know what a real girl is either. The baby girl inside her died young also. Before last night discussion I didn't understand my mom. I feel she is childish and unreasonable some time. Now I know why. We both want to go back to our young age and be a real baby girl.

Where is the real me? I need to look for her.