Thursday, September 20, 2007

Shana Tova - Happy New Year!

It’s a wonderful season now in Israel. In 2005 and 2006, both feasts of trumpet (Jewish New Year) I was in Jerusalem. What a pity I can’t be there this year! May you have a new, sweet and wonderful new year!
Here in Taiwan Sophie is busy for the project about Bible teachings in Israel by Pastor Peter. After meeting with GOOD TV we are going to make 6 units, each one is 1 hour. Every Saturday they will broadcast 2 units, start in January.

There are several steps to make the footages become real programs. I took some pictures so that you can understand and support my work by your prayer.
Step 1: recording the HD tapes into Betacam tapes. Most of the machines in GOOD TV are for Betacam tapes.
Step 2: recording the messages into other tapes for translators.
Step 3: watch the original tapes and write down all details for editing.
step 4: make a list of all Bible scriptures and find pictures to insert
step 5: get the permission to use songs and music
step 6: design opening, ending, and subtitle format with post production team
step 7: after translation, put all footages, pictures, opening, ending and Scripture subtitles together and make it in proper length.
Step 8: make Chinese subtitle
Step 9: Have a meeting to watch the program and discuss the details.
Step 10: make necessary changes and get approval. Start to make all of them.
Can you imagine how many questions I’ll have to ask? Thank God for the colleague here are willing to teach me and help me. They prayed for me on Monday already.
Please also pray for the key person Bi-huei (on the picture in left side). He is working on Peter’s teaching about Marketplace ministry now and the program will be broadcasted from Sept. 29 for 5 weeks (including the old version made in 2006). After that he has something to work and also our project. My managers think I have to stay longer here because that’s lots of work. I wish Bi-huei can help me to finish them if I have to leave.
That’s a blessing to work in a big company and have lots of helpers. They help me about computer problems, post production problems, getting pictures for Scripture and translation. For completing a program there are lots of works in different parts. All these will make the program better and bring out the anointing of unity. Please pray for translators and for post production team. Shi-yu (on the picture with longer hair) is one of them. I guess I’ll spend lots of time to work with them.
The project is strategic for Israel and Chinese believers at this moment. There was always something wrong about the tapes or the machines in this week. Please support the ministry in your prayer. Thank you very much!

Thanks for your prayer!!!
May God be with you always, from the beginning of the new year ~




七月底,由於與同工在節目後製的理念不同,我們再次面臨溝通困難,我心裡很清楚這樣的情況不適合再繼續同工,也沒有可能在這裡製作出合乎GOOD TV品質要求的節目或半成品,於是在跟牧師和公司溝通過之後,八月中確定我要回台灣。
在離開以色列之前,彼得牧師與我開會,使我得以卸下某部分的責任。另一方面,隨著新學期的開始,也有幾位新成員開始在我們團隊中學習。請為Ivan, Andrey和Chris將練習使用攝影機代禱。願他們珍惜彼此觀摩學習的機會並養成細心照顧器材的習慣。




除了辦簽證,這次在台灣也背負著台以兩地對彼得牧師教導節目的期望,希望可以在公司多方學習,並且製作出好看又具有時代性和啟示性的節目。在我不 能,在神凡事都能!

* 每年的九月十月是以色列的旅遊旺季,猶太曆的新年在今年的九月13日,22日是他們的贖罪日,27日是住棚節。贖罪日當天,以色列本地電視台停播,路上禁止行駛車輛,所有巴勒斯坦邊境封鎖,敬虔的猶太教徒會禁食一整天。住棚節的時候他們則會在陽台或院子搭棚過夜,記念先祖當年出埃及時住在棕樹枝棚下,倚靠神供應嗎哪的日子。住棚節前後也是漫長乾季結束而秋雨開始降下的時節。願我們過中秋節的時候也與猶太人一同經歷『秋雨之福』。

讀者若有負擔為淑鳳奉獻,歡迎到Good TV網站點選「奉獻與支持」取得奉獻資訊,並請註明為郭淑鳳(以色列事工)奉獻。感謝您的支持。