Thursday, September 01, 2005

Another country - after Solo visitation on 2004 summer


我所拜訪的教會目前擁有一萬五千名會友,正朝向兩萬人的異象努力邁進。為了加速認識他們的生活和文化,我期待住在會友家裡,貼近他們的生活。原本以為會住在五月份有過數面之緣的其中一位華人的家中,但神卻為我預備了一個爪哇人的寄宿家庭,住在爪哇人集中的區域。經過二十天的相處,以英語和簡單印尼文,再加上比手劃腳,我與這位寡居的退休護士Bu Datik(Bu的意思是女士/媽媽),她的女傭,以及兩隻狗建立了不錯的友誼。她們常期待我能又學印尼語又學爪哇語,結果總是讓我更頭大。但我相信這是下次造訪Solo的功課。
抵達Solo的第一天晚上,教會同工就邀約我去看爪哇人的傳統戲劇,見到爪哇傳統的手鼓、鐵琴,產生出節奏清晰強烈的樂音,再配上尖細嫵媚的女聲,十分有趣。第八天晚上,我與Bu Datik一同參加住宅附近爪哇人的婚宴。坐在賓客席,我們一面等待上菜,一面見到新人的親戚陸續與新人合影。我開始思索這麼多有趣新奇的經驗,是否意味著神引導我以爪哇人為我未來服事的群體?就我在Solo接觸的觀察,他們有著深色的皮膚、濃密的睫毛、音樂天分極高、節奏感強烈。在整體經濟現況中,他們較華人居於劣勢,但沒有嫉妒對抗的心態。這些條件都十分吸引我。在Solo的爪哇人絕大部分信仰回教,但參雜著泛靈思想,向他們傳福音似乎不需對回教基本教義認識太過清楚。1998年暴亂之後,Solo有大批爪哇人歸主,受到的逼迫並不強烈,目前仍是向他們傳福音的大好時機。
幾位Solo教會的同工和Bu Datik詢問我何時還會再去,我的心迫切希望能夠盡快再去,甚至已經夢到自己回到Solo。不過,我仍需要尋求神在宣教方向上更清楚的印證和引導。


我知道神正在內湖做奇妙的事,我們教會也有幸置身其中。透過這次旅程對於教會未來發展方向和策略更有頭緒,也期待見證 神將在內湖的復興作為。話雖如此,仍然請求您多為台灣、多為教會代禱,因為我們仍然需要信心和勇氣,才能做好承接復興的預備,在仇敵攻擊攪擾時能夠站立得穩,並忍耐等候將臨的大收割。


Terima Kasih Tuhan (Thank God), after coming back from Indonesia I was supposed to be busy with a youth camp and a conference on healing and deliverance. But a typhoon brought me two holidays, allowing me to have the opportunity to prepare a newsletter about recent events.

Looking for another country
Early this year, I planned a one-month trip to visit some mission fields, not only to seek my mission location for the future, but also to help my church to build up a vision for missions outside Taiwan. After being a pastor in the church for only three years, it’s not easy to get the deacon board approval for a one-month leave with payment and additional ministry support, especially as up till now, I have been the only full-time worker in my church.
During January I wondered if I could make it because my father’s cancer was getting worse. But in late March Dad passed away, and in May I joined the other pastors from Neihu to visit Solo, Indonesia. After this, the trip and the place seemed to be more and more clear. So I arrived in Jakarta on July 23, and then on August 1, went on to Solo, which is the third largest city in Middle Java. I came back to Taipei on Aug. 20.
Having only previously visited Jakarta once, in 1999, I did not have any strong impressions of Indonesia. But when I visited Solo in May, I saw pastor Li, whom I had met in 1999. So this time I stayed at his church and visited the 24-hour prayer tower in Gajah Mada, and did some visitation with the local Chinese people.
Nevertheless, I found that I had a special feeling about the city Solo. During my May visit, when I boarded the plane from Solo to back to Jakarta, I very quickly began to miss the place. This was the first time that I had started to miss a place so quickly upon leaving, and the feeling surprised me. This summer, even though I stayed in Jakarta, and visited Yogyakarta, the second biggest city in Middle Java, I still liked Solo the most. Again this feeling surprised me, because I had grown up in a metropolitan area, and have always liked to have night activities.

The Javanese, the people God is entrusting to me!?
The church I visited in Solo (GBI-Keluarga Allah) has 15,000 church members, and they are have a vision to expand to 20,000 members. In order to learn more quickly about their life style and culture, I had expected to stay with some church members. Before I arrived I had assumed that I would stay with one of the Chinese whom I had met in May. But indeed God prepared a Javanese home-stay in a Javanese area. After twenty days of living together, through English, simple Bahasa (the official language of Indonesia) and body language, I made friends with Mrs. Datik, a retired nurse, her maid Tari, and her two dogs. They expected me to learn both Bahasa and Javanese, but this made me even more confused. I believe next time when I visit Solo, I’ll need to learn the language.
On my first day in Solo, the staff of the children’s department invited me to watch a traditional Javanese opera. I saw Javanese traditional hand drums and iron percussion which can make a strong and clear rhythm. It made a very interesting accompaniment to the soft, high and delicate female voice. On the eighth night, Mrs. Datik and I attended a Javanese wedding near to my home-stay. Sitting on the guest seat, we waited for the meal and saw many relatives of the new couple have pictures taken with them. I began to think about these interesting and fun experiences. Did this mean that God would lead me to stay with the Javanese in the future, and that they would be my target people? According to my observations, they have dark skin, beautiful eyelashes, good musical talent, and a strong sense of rhythm. Socially, they are both economically and educationally lower than the local Chinese. But they are not jealous or aggressive towards the rich. All of these factors attracted me. Most Javanese in Solo are folk Muslims; I don’t need to do any thorough research about the Islam doctrines in advance. After the great riot of 1998, many Javanese in Solo converted to Christianity and they were not seriously persecuted. There are still many good opportunities to reach them now.
Some of the church staff and Mrs. Datik asked me when I’ll go back there again. In my heart the answer is “As soon as possible.” And in fact I’ve already dreamed of going back. But I need to seek God’s further confirmation and guidance.

Personal mission course
I spent two years in Hong Kong, visited mainland China three times by myself, and stayed in Sydney for three months. However, my trip to Solo taught me much about missions.
It’s the first time that I experienced serious communication problems. I had applied for an international traffic license to drive motorcycles and cars. But there was no Indonesian translation on it. So, in Solo I was a person with a mouth who could not speak, with ears that could not listen, and with hands and legs, but I still needed drivers and translators. I tried to make a 45 minute Mandarin teaching radio program. However, it was hard to find a translator. Finally, most of it needed to be translated into English first before I could find help. If I had known ahead of time that I would encounter these problems, maybe I would not have attempted to do the radio program. The language barrier causes a person to become a “nobody”, and in constant need of help from others. It makes one feel terribly lonely in a new country.
And it’s the first time also that I encountered problems with food and living. Lots of fried food was already cold when we ate it. So my mouth was willing to join the local people but my stomach wasn’t. Another problem was the mosquitoes. Javanese houses don’t have screen windows and people there don’t use mosquito curtains. I felt like every mosquito was interested in this new visitor and I could hardly fall asleep during the first week. Finally I used my mobile phone to send a prayer request back to Taipei by text message.
Through these experiences, I seemed to have a greater understanding of the following predicament: you love a certain place, and a certain people, but your body doesn’t work for you, and the environment also works against you. After prayer, I learned not to analyze or solve problems by reason, but by praying, asking for intercession, and waiting on God. Unlike my former experiences, I met problems nearly every two or three days. All these pushed me to look for God and to cry out before Him. But one day when I was worshipping God during the church service, I sensed that all the crying out was exactly what God was asking of me, a pure heart willing to love what He loves and to please Him. In fact, it was the only thing I could dedicate to the Lord while in Solo.
This mission experience made me understand more about what Jesus Christ had gone through, and what missionaries have to go through, and what God expects of me and entrusts to me.
The blessings that my church and I received
The first time I visited Solo, I received inner healing. This fact was confirmed during the second trip. I could join the in the worship and praise freely as if I was by myself, and I could dance naturally instead of with heavy steps. During my first visit, I didn’t like a certain pastor, but this time I appreciated him and asked for his blessings.
And the young church staff there became my good friends and supporters. They helped me to feel younger. When I came back to Taipei, I found that while I was gone, my church members had looked after the church, and taken their responsibilities seriously. That was another blessing from my trip.
I know God is doing marvelous things in the Neihu churches. What a blessing to be a part of it! As a result of the trip I gained more insights concerning the church’s future direction and strategies. And I expect to be a witness of God’s revival in Neihu. Despite this, we still need your prayers for Taiwan, and for the churches here, because we need faith and courage to prepare for the revival, to stand firm when getting attacked from the enemies, and to wait patiently for the coming harvest.

Personal and family needs
Mom just became a widow less than six months ago. It was not easy for her to be home alone for one month. It is hard for her to accept the fact that I wish to go back to Solo in the near future. Please pray for my mother to receive God’s salvation soon. And maybe next time when I have a mission trip she can go with me.
My second brother came home from Seattle in September. He and my first brother went to Hunan, where Dad was born. They learned new things about our family through this trip. My two brothers and their families are not Christians yet. Please pray for them.
As for me, I’m still adjusting to feeling torn between two places. On the one hand I miss the spiritual atmosphere and worship quality in Solo, but on the other hand I’m planning many new church ministries here. Lots of things are on my heart, waiting to be communicated, promoted and realized. This makes me feel lonely. I still believe “it’s not good for a woman to be alone”, and hope to have someone with me when I’m sent out to the mission field. I believe that God has someone prepared already. Please pray for me to get ready also.