Thursday, September 01, 2005

to go or not to go... On 2004 Feb.






Wait Three More Chapters

Several months have passed since the last newsletter, in which I shared that I was preparing for the mission field. But since then, many things have happened and there have been many changes, which are not easy to explain. That’s why I have hesitated to write another newsletter. But something has happened in my life that is similar to what happened in the Gospel of John chapter 14:31. Jesus said “Come now, let us leave.” But He did not leave until chapter 18. I’m using this example to “explain” why I have decided not to do missions for the time being.

Admit my weaknesses
For a long time I had the concept that Christians needed to always say “yes” to God, no matter what. But the problem with this concept is that we are liable to misunderstand God’s calling or instructions, or neglect our real feelings and weaknesses. Furthermore, this concept does not seem to be based on love, but instead on authority and obligation. During the time that I thought I should apply to a mission agency and prepare to be a missionary, I started to struggle with problems such as homesickness and loneliness. As a result, I decided to take several days off and hide myself in a quiet place where I could admit my weaknesses and talk to God about my problems.
I realized I couldn’t say “yes” to missions at this time because I was not ready. Praise God because He knows me more than I know myself. And He wishes to show me my limitations instead of wanting me to do something or be someone for Him. So I decided to put off applying to SIM for the time being. Instead, I’m preparing for three more years of ministry with CMA-Neihu church.

Earthly Success Is Not the Same as Heavenly Success
After that I began to accept myself as an ordinary person. I reminded myself not to push others and myself for some kind of standard, or for “what should be”. Then I was able to realize that we all need God’s grace instead of judgment. No one can face judgment and remain standing. Now it’s easier to appreciate people who aren’t like me. And I realize I have received so much support and acceptance from people I used to judge. When I neglected my feelings, I could not experience grace and kindness, now I am more knowledgeable in those areas and feel blessed. I know the importance of the lesson God has taught me about grace and humility, and I need to keep it as my protection and shelter during my entire Christian life.
Now if you ask about the situation in the church where I serve, I can say it is good and blessed. Through the eyes of faith I know God will do amazing things in His way. And the church will grow in His time, not mine. I don’t need to do anything FOR God and indeed I can’t. This realization has lightened my load. How wonderful it is to know I’m not strong at all and I don’t need to be. The Holy One is strong and I just need to connect with Him. Earthly success is not the same as heavenly success. .

My Dad has accepted the Lord!
Last summer Dad went to the hospital three times for his lymph cancer treatment. After that his tumors expanded rapidly. Many brothers, sisters and pastors, both here and overseas, prayed consistently for him. At one point he enjoyed reading the Bible, and even prayed by himself for his illness to be cured. But because the prayer wasn’t answered in the way that he wished, he gave up asking for God’s help and was in a low mood.
In January he went to the hospital for twelve days of radiation treatment. At first, his tumors started to shrink, but at the same time, his blood tests were not good. Then when his blood was replenished, his tumors grew rapidly also. I could see that Dad’s body was getting worse, but his spirit was still asleep. That made me worried. I wrote to him, honestly sharing my concerns for him, and kept praying for him. Praise God, this morning I shared Psalm 91 with him and said that human beings need to understand the meaning of life through God’s eyes. I told him that life is not about responsibility, dissatisfaction, and pursuing empty satisfaction. Then I sensed God’s presence and Dad’s humility. I asked Dad to pray with me, sentence by sentence. Then he asked Jesus to forgive his sins and to live in him. After he finished praying, I was moved and full of tears. I realized this moment had cost many hours and many peoples’ prayers, and my dad’s name had been written on the Book of Life. Praise God, who listens to our prayers! And thank you all very much for your concern and intercession.

Thanks for your concern and prayers.
May you experience God’s beauty and abundance more and more.